In Liebe, Eure Hilde/From Hilde, With Love (2024) is a German biographical film set in Nazi-controlled Germany in 1942. Hilde Coppi and her husband Hans are imprisoned by the Gestapo for rebelling, stirring up anti-Nazi sentiments and attempting to send messages to the Russians as part of the communist Red Orchestra group. As Hilde gives birth in prison and adjusts to prison life, she remembers the beginning of her relationship with Hans and the other rebels and the happy times before her capture.

The film is the story of a real couple, and the surviving son of the Coppis is still alive and was involved in making the film. This meant the film was able to achieve a high degree of accuracy. On a personal level, the film gave me a chance to practice my understanding of German (although there were English subtitles to help me along). The film features excellent performances from Liv Lisa Fries and Johannes Hegemann as Hilde and Hans, and the rest of the cast are excellent also.

As mentioned, the film is very accurate, which is especially important because it is a true story. One minor detail that was changed is that in real life, the families of the revolutionaries were also briefly imprisoned, until it was found that they were not involved. Parts of the film are out of order, with some scenes from Hilde’s past mixed in with scenes in the present, while she is in prison. I don’t have a problem with this, and it’s a technique used in many other films (for instance Pulp Fiction). However, as with Pulp Fiction, I took a moment to figure out what was happening some of the time as these past scenes were not all in chronological order. Viewers of this film are also to be advised that the film contains nudity at times, sometimes partial, but not always in a sexual context (sometimes it is, though, so viewer discretion is advised).

Final rating:

Enjoyability: 3/5

Accuracy: 4.5/5

Storytelling: 4/5

TOTAL: 11.5/15 or 73%